Temprature Conversion Chart. Convert Fahrenheit, Celsius or Centigrade, Rankin, Kelvin temperatures

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Temperature Conversion Chart

Convert Fahrenheit, Celsius or Centigrade, Rankin, Kelvin

°F.= (°C. x 9/5)+32
°F.= °R.-459.67
°F.= 9/5 (°K.-273.16)+32
°C.= 5/9(°F.-32)
°C.= °K.-273.16
°C.= 5/9 (°R.-491.67)
°R.= °F.+459.67
°R.= (°C.x9/5)+491.67
°R.= 9/5(°K-273.16)+491.67
°K.= °C.+273.16
°K.= 5/9(°F.-32)+273.16
°K.= 5/9(°R.-491.67)+273.16

F= Fahrenheit
C= Celsius or Centigrade
R= Rankin
K= Kelvin

Rankin is the absolute Fahrenheit scale °R.= -459.67°F.
Kelvin is the absolute Celsius scale °K= .273.16 °C.

Celsius vs Centigrade:
Celsius was adopted in place of centigrade, by international agreement in 1948; however, acceptance of the new term has been slow in Europe, and still slower in the United States. Actually, Celsius and centigrade scales differ slightly. The Celsius scale is based on 0° at the triple point of water (.01°C.) and centigrade has 0° at the freezing point of water. For all practical purposes the two terms are interchangeable.
