Working ourselves out of a job is the essence of our existence in the construction industry. Contractors are always in competition for the next contract and employees are in constant competition for the jobs. This is especially true for the merit shop tradesman. Not represented by a trades union the merit shop worker is his own agent and his success depends on his good reputation and his ability to network with reliable contacts. In order to stay close to home many tradesmen will make long commutes and work for several different contractors. Others will follow the larger or specialty contractors far and wide. Still others will seek out the maintenance shutdowns and turn-arounds for the maximum pay rate and overtime.
Whatever your niche, it is my wish that you will find these pages useful in your goal to stay gainfully employed in the construction industry.
Company Short-list These are some of the larger construction and staffing companies that man large industrial construction projects and have a high turnover. They usually hire on a temporary basis from project to project.

Company List Merit Shop Industrial Construction Companies.

Major Projects A comprehensive list of large industrial projects in the U.S.

Facebook Groups Facebook groups are the favorite social media networking platform for jobs in the industrial construction industry

Job History Get it right, your work history or background information from Social Security. Nuke job background check must be accurate.

Jobs byconstruction jobs