English to Metric Conversion tables

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English to Metric Conversion tables

English to Metric Conversion tables

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Length Conversion Factors
To convert from     to                       multiply by 
mile (US Statute)      kilometer (km)           1.609347        
inch (in)              millimeter (mm)          25.4  * 
inch (in)              centimeter (cm)          2.54 *  
inch (in)              meter (m)                0.0254 *        
foot (ft)              meter (m)                0.3048 *        
yard (yd)              meter (m)                0.9144 *

Area Conversion Factors

To convert from              to                      multiply by 
square foot (sq ft)     square meter (sq m)     0.09290304 E    
square inch (sq in)     square meter (sq m)     0.00064516 E    
square yard (sq yd)     square meter (sq m)     0.83612736 E    
acre (ac)               hectare (ha)            0.4047

Volume Conversion Factors

To convert from              to                      multiply by 
cubic inch (cu in)      cubic meter (cu m)      0.00001639      
cubic foot (cu ft)      cubic meter (cu m)      0.02831685      
cubic yard (cu yd)      cubic meter (cu m)      0.7645549       
gallon (gal)            liter                   4.546   
Canada liquid   
gallon (gal)            cubic meter (cu m)      0.004546        
Canada liquid   
gallon (gal)            liter                   3.7854118       
U.S. liquid**   
gallon (gal)            cubic meter (cu m)      0.00378541      
U.S. liquid     
fluid ounce (fl oz)     milliliters (ml)        29.57353        
fluid ounce (fl oz)     cubic meter (cu m)      0.00002957

Force Conversion Factors

To convert from              to                      multiply by
kip (1000 lb)           kilogram (kg)           453.6
kip (1000 lb)           newton (N)              4,448.222
pound (lb)              kilogram (kg)           0.4535924
pound (lb)              newton (N)              4.448222

Pressure or Stress Conversion Factors

Pressure or stress
        kip per square        megapascal (MPa)          6.894757
          inch (ksi)
        pound per             kilogram per              4.8824
         square foot (psf)      square meter (kg/sq m)
        pound per square      pascal (Pa)               47.88
          foot (psf)
        pound per square      pascal (Pa)               6,894.757
          inch (psi)
        pound per square      megapascal (MPa)          0.00689476
          inch (psi)

Mass Conversion Factors

Mass (weight) 
        pound (lb)            kilogram (kg)             0.4535924
        ton, 2000 lb          kilogram (kg)             907.1848
        grain                 kilogram (kg)             0.0000648
Mass (weight) per length
        kip per linear        kilogram per meter (kg/m) 0.001488
          foot (klf)         
        pound per linear      kilogram per meter (kg/m) 1.488
          foot (plf)         
Mass per volume (density) 
        pound per cubic       kilogram per cubic        16.01846
          foot (pcf)           meter (kg/cu m)
        pound per cubic       kilogram per cubic        0.5933
          yard (lb/cu yd)      meter (kg/cu m)

Temperature Conversion Factors

        degree Fahrenheit (F)     degree Celsius (C)            tc=(tF-32)/1.8
        degree Fahrenheit (F)     kelvin (K)                    tk = (tF+459.7)/1.8
        kelvin (K)                degree Celsius (C)            tc=tk-273.15
Energy and heat
        British thermal           joule (J)                     1055.056
        calorie (cal)             joule (J)                     4.1868E
        Btu/degree                F x hr x ft2  W/m2 - degree K 5.678263
        kilowatt-hour (kwh)       joule (J)                     3,600,000E
        British thermal           calories per gram             0.55556
         unit per pound (Btu/lb)    (cal/g)
        British thermal unit      watt (W)                      0.2930711
         per hour (Btu/hr)

Power Conversion Factors
        horsepower (hp)           watt (W)                  745.6999  E
           (550 ft-lb/sec)
         mile per hour (mph)      kilometer per hour(km/hr) 1.60934
         mile per hour (mph)      meter per second (m/s)    0.44704
         darcy                    centimeter per            0.000968
                                     second (cm/sec)
         feet per day (ft/day)    centimeter per            0.000352
                                     second (cm/sec)
*indicates that the factor given is exact.
**One U.S. gallon equals 0.8327 Canadian gallon. 
t--A pascal equals 1.000 newton per square meter.

One U.S. gallon of water weighs 8.34 pounds (U.S.) at 60 degrees F.
One cubic foot of water weighs 62.4 pounds (U.S.).
One milliliter of water has a mass of 1 gram and has a volume of one cubic centimeter.
One U.S. bag of cement weighs 94 lbs.

More Useful Conversion Factors


Quantity            From English           To Metric             Multiply
                      Units                  Units                 by*

Length                mile                    km                 1.609347
                      yard                    m                  0.9144**
                      foot                    m                  0.3048**
                      inch                    mm                 25.40**

Area               square mile                km 2               2.590
                      acre                    m 2                4047
                      acre                  hectare              0.4047
                   square yard                m 2                0.8361
                   square foot                m 2                0.092 90
                   square inch                mm 2               645.2

Volume              acre foot                 m 3                1 233
                   cubic yard                 m 3                0.7646
                   cubic foot                 m 3                0.028 32
                   cubic foot            L (1000 cm 3)           28.32
                 100 board feet               m 3                0.2360
                     gallon              L (1000 cm 3)           3.785

Mass                   lb                      kg                0.4536
                  kip (1000 lb)            metric ton (1000kg)   0.4536

Mass/unit length       plf                    kg/m               1.488

Mass/unit area         psf                   kg/m 2              4.882

Mass density           pcf                   kg/m 3              16.02

Force                  lb                       N                4.448
                       kip                     kN                4.448

Force/unit length      plf                     N/m               14.59
                       klf                    kN/m               14.59

Pressure, stress,                         
modules of                                  
elasticity             psf                     Pa                47.88
                       ksf                    kPa                47.88
                       psi                    kPa                6.895
                       ksi                    MPa                6.895

Bending moment,        ft-lb                  N . m               1.356
torque, moment of force ft-kip                kN . m               1.356
  * 4 significant digits
  **denotes exact conversion


Quantity            From English Units    To Metric Units    Multiply by*
Moment of mass          lb . ft               kg . m           0.1383

Moment of inertia       lb . ft2              kg . m 2         0.042 14

Second moment of area     in4                   mm4            416 200

Section modulus           in3                   mm3            16 390

Power                ton (refrig)               kW             3.517
                        Btu/s                   kW             1.054
                     hp (electric)               W             745.7
                        Btu/h                    W             0.2931

Volume rate of flow     ft 3/s                 m 3/s           0.028 32
                         cfm                   m 3/s           0.000 471 9
                         cfm                    L/s            0.4719
                         mgd                   m 3/s           0.0438

Velocity, speed          ft/s                   m/s          **0.3048

Acceleration             f/s 2                 m/s 2           0.3048

Momentum              lb . ft/sec            kg . m/s          0.1383

Angular momentum      lb . ft 2/s           kg . m 2/s         0.042 14

Plane Angle            degree                  rad             0.017 45
                                               mrad            17.45
* 4 significant digits
**denotes exact conversion